Policy Statement
All complainants will have their complaint dealt with speedily and efficiently and in a respectful and sympathetic way. Always inform your insurers at an early stage and seek advice throughout the process.
This policy applies to all staff involved in the service provision on behalf of (insert clinic name), including those on temporary contracts and/or employed as subcontractors.
Renu Skin Clinic recognises the value of direct communications with clients and service users. Whilst continuously striving to improve services the Organisation accepts that causes for concern can arise. Renu Skin Clinic views constructive comments, suggestions and complaints as part of the process of maintaining and developing good quality reflective services.
In view of this, Renu Skin Clinic aims to deal with complaints as quickly, appropriately and as close to the source of the problem as possible. The Organisation’s open culture aims to empower all staff, with the support of the Owner of Renu Skin Clinic, to deal with “complaints” (problems) informally at the point of service delivery.
Ensure it is easy:
Organisational Responsibilities
Renu Skin Clinic’s responsibilities in handling complaints are to:
The Owner of Renu Skin Clinic is ultimately responsible for the quality of care within the Organisation and is responsible for responding in writing to all complaints and for ensuring lessons learned are implemented.
The Owner will receive reports at regular intervals detailing the cause of complaints and action taken to improved care/services.
The continued development of effective complaints handling function will be implemented in line with the Organisation’s Clinical Governance Plan and Risk Management Strategy.
Financial Redress
Although compensation would normally need to be sought through legal channels, the Organisation has the discretion to provide financial reimbursement of expenses or losses where fault has been found. For example, reimbursement of lost property. Always check this with the insurance company.
Access to health records
Where copies or access to records is provided as a part of the resolution of a complaint, these will be provided promptly and free of any charge.
Complaints Procedure
The DOH reform of the complaints system (April 2009) identifies the new arrangements for handling complaints. The system allows for a flexible approach and encourages local resolution of complaints. Whilst still providing for a more formal investigation should the need arise.
Renu Skin Clinic recognises the value of direct communications with clients and service users and regards constructive comments, suggestions and complaints as part of the process of maintaining and developing services. Renu Skin Clinic undertakes to investigate all complaints and incidents thoroughly and promptly.
Any complainant who remains dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation has the right to refer to the Independent review panel and the Health Service Ombudsman.
Legislative Context
This policy takes into account the changes in procedure set out in the Department of Health –Reform of the complaints system – April 2009
Resolution of Complaints
Complaints about Renu Skin Clinic and the services it provides should be dealt with as follows:
Staff are encouraged in conjunction with their line manager to deal with concerns and request for Information to which they can provide an immediate response.
Where this is not possible, Renu Skin Clinic must acknowledge receipt of a complaint and offer to discuss the matter within 3 working days.
Agree with the complainant the manner in which they would like their complaint investigated (Local/ Formal) and an acceptable timeframe.
Investigate the complaint in a full and objective way.
Write to the complainant on completion of the investigation, explaining how it has been resolved, what appropriate action has been taken and reminding them of their right to take the matter to the Heath Service Ombudsman.
Keep a record of all complaints, the results of investigations, the lessons learned and any actions implemented as a result.
Complaints across boundaries
Where complaints against Renu Skin Clinic are part of a wider complaint, Renu Skin Clinic staff will work with other Organisations to ensure a single coordinated response.
Who can make a complaint?
Exemptions to the complaints arrangements
Time limits to make a complaint
A complaint must be raised 12 months from the date the matter occurred or 12 months from the date the matter came to the notice of the complainant.
However, (insert clinic name) should use their discretion to investigate beyond this time if there are good reasons for it and it is still possible to objectively investigate it.
Support for Complainants
There are a number of organisations that can support service users who wish to make a complaint:
Staff receiving complaints should be aware of and take steps to support people with special needs, (learning disability, hearing impairment or unfamiliar with the English language), to make a complaint.
Support for Staff
The receipt of a complaint can be an extremely stressful experience for any member of staff. The implication that in some way or shape the care that was provided has been perceived as being anything but of the highest quality can have a considerable impact on a person’s functioning.
(insert clinic name) is committed to ensuring that all staff are supported during the complaints process by:
Second Stage
If the complainant is unhappy with the response from Renu Skin Clinic they should be supported in taking their case to the Health Services Ombudsman or the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service.
Service Improvements, Clinical Governance and Performance Monitoring Learning from Complaints
The Owner of Renu Skin Clinic should use the issues raised in individual complaints to explore and, where appropriate, initiate service improvements.
Where appropriate, an action plan should be drawn up and implementation of actions undertaken monitored.
Monitoring and Reporting
The Owner will produce a report biannually detailing the number of complaints and causes with an analysis of the issues raised, recommendations to address the issues, actions taken as a result of the recommendations and evidence that the actions have been implemented.
In addition an annual report will:
Managing persistent complainants
This section sets out our approach to the very few complainants who may persistently use our complaints procedure to the extent that it becomes impossible to operate effectively.
Persistent complainants are those whose contacts with Renu Skin Clinic, by their frequency, nature or tone significantly hinder the consideration of their own or other people’s complaints.
Complainants include anyone acting on behalf of a service user or who contacts Renu Skin Clinic in connection with a complaint.
The principles set out in this policy also apply to our dealings with people other than complainants.
We seek to:
We recognise that the persistent complainant may have a genuine grievance and that being persistent can be a positive advantage when pursuing a complaint.
How we aim to manage these complainants will depend upon their nature and extent. If their persistence adversely affects our ability to do our work and provide a service to others, we may need to manage their unacceptable behaviour by restricting their contact with our service.
Any restrictions applied will be appropriate and proportionate to the nature of the complainant’s contacts with Renu Skin Clinic at that time. The following are examples of the types of restriction which may be used:
Wherever possible, we seek to apply restrictions in a way which allows a complaint to progress to completion through our complaints process. We will try to maintain at least one form of contact.
A persistent complainant is likely to start by being unhappy with the level of service delivery, and persist in demanding unreasonable levels of service from the provider. If this is the problem then it is for the Owner to decide whether or not the service received has been reasonable. In deciding whether or not they have provided adequate service, consideration will be given as to whether it complies with the law, relevant guidelines or service standards agreed by Renu Skin Clinic. If the provider considers that further investigation is unjustified the complainant will be advised that we will not necessarily respond to further service requests. If a complainant persists with requests for service, application of one or more of the above restrictions will be considered.
Deciding to Restrict Complainant Contact
Before making any decision to restrict contact, the complainant will, wherever possible, be warned that, if the specified behaviour or actions continue, we will consider applying some or all of the restrictions set out above.
Decisions about applying this policy will only be taken after careful consideration of the situation by the Owner. He/she will consider whether:
In deciding which restrictions are appropriate, careful consideration will be given to balancing the rights of the individual with the need to ensure other complainants and our employees do not suffer any disadvantage and Renu Skin Clinic resources are used as effectively as possible.
Appealing a Decision to Restrict Contact
A complainant can appeal a decision to restrict contact. The appeal will be considered by the Owner, whoever, was not involved in the original decision. They will advise the complainant in writing whether the restricted contact arrangements still apply or a different course of action has been agreed.
Recording and Reviewing a Decision to Restrict Contact
We will record all contacts with persistent complainants. Where it is decided to restrict contact, an entry noting this will be made in the relevant file. A decision to restrict contact may be reconsidered if the complainant demonstrates a more acceptable approach.
We will review the status of all complainants with restricted contact arrangements on a regular basis.
We will keep a register of those subject to this policy.
When a decision has been taken not to carry on responding to correspondence, any further letters, faxes or e-mails from the complainant will be read to pick up any significant new information.
When persistent complainants make new complaints about new issues these will be treated on their merits and decisions will need to be taken on whether any restrictions which have been applied before, are still appropriate and necessary.
Gyle Square 1 South Gyle Crescent Edinburgh EH12 9EB |
Delta House 50 West Nile Street Glasgow G1 2NP |