Tear Trough Treatment

If you have deep creases under your eyes, tear trough fillers may be an option to reduce them. The procedure typically involves injecting hyaluronic acid beneath your lower eyelids.

A common complaint we often see from patients is the under eye area…hollowness which makes them feel or look tired. If you feel like this, then we can provide fantastic results through injections with our Teoxane Redensity 2 eye filler. 

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We use a special type of dermal filler to treat the delicate under eye area. This is very important as not all derma fillers can treat this area. The product we select is safe and FDA approved for the under eye area. We inject small amounts under the eye area using a cannula. The use of a cannula makes it a much safer method to inject. The fillers is then placed in the area for approx 12 months or longer. 

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Tear trough treatment is best suited to patients who have hollowness and dark circles. It is not suitable for patients who have excess eye bags. 

Patients must be over 18 with no previous medical history that would make them contraindicated for treatment. 

Those who are pregnant or breastfeeding

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We use Teoxane Redensity 2 which is FDA approved. 

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Like with any injectable treatment there is risks and side effects which will be fully explained at your consultation. 


Common side effects are”




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Treatment cost is £275

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