Skin Tags

Here at RENU SKIN CLINIC we use Ellman radio wave surgery  to remove skin tags.

Renu Skin Clinic are proud to be the only clinic in Tayside to use this method of mole/lesion removal without the need of any sutures. 

Electrosurgery generally occupies a place on the electromagnetic spectrum from 350 Khz to 1.7 Mhz. The lower the Mhz, the more lateral tissue damage produced with tissue incision. In electro surgery, the electrode tip provides the resistance during ablation. The tip heats up and significant heat is tranferred to the target tissue. This heat also affects the surrounding normal tissues, resulting in lateral tissue damage that can produce scarring. 

Radiowave surgery operates at a frequency of 4.0 Mhz, which is about 4 million cycles per second.This is the optimum wavelength for precise incision with minimal lateral tissue damage. The reason that radiowave surgery is much more tissue friendly than electrosurgery has to do not only with the 4.0 Mhz wavelength but the fact that the electrode tip does not provide the resistance and hence does not get hot. It is the tissue that provides the resistance. Radiowaves are transferred to tissue through an electrode. Radiowaves cause a process known as intracellular volatiliztion whereby steam is produced in the cells, causing them to rupture. An- other difference between radiowave surgery and electrosurgery is the ground plate. With electrosurgery, it is possible to shock or burn the patient. Radiowave surgery does not employ a ground plate but rather an antenna that gathers the radiowaves and channels them back to the machine. The antenna, which does not need to be in direct contact with the patient, is Teflon coated so it cannot shock or burn the patient.

Reference. Dr. Niamtu (2007). Aesthetic Dermatology News.

What Are Skin Tags? 

Skin tags are common soft harmless lesions that appear to hang off the skin. They  are also described as:



Fibroepithelial polyp

Soft fibroma

Pedunculated (this means it is on a stalk)

Filiform (this means it is  thread-like)

Skin tags develop in both men and women as they grow older. They are skin coloured or darker and range in size from 1mm to 5cm. They are most often found in the skin folds (neck, armpits, groin). They tend to be more numerous in obese persons and in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus. They are soft, small growths that often can also form around the eyes or under the breasts. Skin tags are benign growths which can cause great annoyance to people and they can  catch on necklaces,jewellery and bra straps.

Skin tags are collagen fibres together with blood vessels that are surrounded by skin. They are harmless, however, if you find that they start to bleed from everyday activities such as catching on your necklace, it may be best to have this removed.

Skin tags are not contagious, they occur because of friction of the skin.

Skin tags are made up of loosely arranged collagen fibres and blood vessels surrounded by a thickened or thinned-out epidermis.

Seborrhoeic keratoses, viral warts or molluscum contagiosum may also resemble skin tags.

It is not known what really causes skin tags but there are some factors that may play a role:

Chaffing and irritation from skin rubbing together

Human papillomavirus (wart virus)

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It is not known what really causes skin tags but there are some factors that may play a role:

Chaffing and irritation from skin rubbing together

Skin tags are made of loose collagen fibres and blood vessels surrounded by skin. Collagen is a type of protein found throughout the body.

Both men and women can develop skin tags. They tend to occur in older people and people who are obese or have type 2 diabetes ( NHS)

Pregnant women may also be more likely to develop skin tags as a result of changes in their hormone levels. Some people develop them for no apparent reason.

Skin tags tend to grow in the skin folds, where the skin rubs against itself, such as on the neck, armpits or groin. This is why they tend to affect overweight people who have excess folds of skin and skin chafing.

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At your consultation our Nurse will assess your areas of concern using a dermatoscope and advise if there is a need to send off for histology.  If histology is required this can be arranged by us. A full medical history will be taken to rule out any contraindications. If deemed suitable arrangements will be made for an appointment using our radio wave surgery . 

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The areas to be treated will be thoroughly cleansed with an antiseptic solution and marked out. If we are using the Ellman Radiowave technique local anaesthetic will be injected just under the skin. The method will depend on the size and number of lesions to be removed. The areas treated are quick and comfortable. An ointment will be applied with some sterile pads. You will be given a wound care pack to take home if required. A review appointment is offered at week 4. 

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You may leave the clinic once the treatment is complete. The areas that have been treated area may be red, scabby and darker that the rest of the skin. . The whole procedure can take 14 days to heal and there may be a light mark that will fade over time. This is called PIH (post inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

When using the Ellman radio wave technique or cryotherapy there is no stitches required. This method is the safest and best allowing a quicker healing time and unsightly scars.Avoid anything strenuous for a few days and avoid saunas, steam rooms and swimming until healed. You do not require any antibiotics. You may return back to work the same day. 

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There are very few risks associated with the removal of skin tags such as infection or scarring however with every procedure there is a risk. Scarring such as post inflammatory hyperpigmentaion is common. We will advise you how to care of your skin post procedure and we always offer a follow up appointment. If you were to experience any adverse reactions we would ask that you contact us immediately on the number we provide. There may be some redness, tenderness and discolouration at the treated area which is usually transient in nature. There is a risk the the lesion can appear again once removed.

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Our Nurse will carry out the procedure in a HIS clinical room that is set up specifically for minor surgical procedures. Our Nurse has years of Dermatology Nursing experience in removing lesions and sending off for histology. Our Nurse is a member of the NMC and is a prescriber with a BSc and PGd in Clinical Dermatology. She has been practicing Dermatology Nursing since 2011. Where a referral is required and outwith her scope of practice she will refer to a consultant dermatologist or your own GP. 

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Skin Tag Removal with Radiowave Surgery

You will be booked in for a Dermatology consultation at the cost of £135.

An appointment would be made for removal once the lesion/s have been assessed and confirmed as benign.


Costs start from £125 per skin tag depending on size. Each additional skin tag incurs a further fee.

Larger skin tags and more complex areas such as groins and eyes will be priced differently and on size from £325


We offer 1 post treatment review  with any revision carried out within a 3 month period on same lesion/s  Each additional review required costs £50 within this time frame. Any revision is on removed lesions only . New lesions will be treated as a full treatment and consultation.

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