All types of lesion removal, mole checks as well skin conditions such as acne + rosacea. 

Renu Skin Clinic are proud to be the only clinic in Tayside to use this method of lesion removal without the need of any cutting into the skin or stitches leaving a scar . At Renu we are always at the forefront of technology and invest heavily to make sure our patients get the best results with the best outcome and less side effects.

Radiowave surgery operates at a frequency of 4.0 Mhz, which is about 4 million cycles per second.This is the optimum wavelength for preciseness with minimal lateral tissue damage. The reason that radiowave surgery is much more tissue friendly than electrosurgery has to do not only with the 4.0 Mhz wavelength but the fact that the electrode tip does not provide the resistance and hence does not get hot.

It is the tissue that provides the resistance. Radiowaves are transferred to tissue through an electrode. Radiowaves cause a process known as intracellular volatiliztion whereby steam is produced in the cells, causing them to rupture. An- other difference between radiowave surgery and electrosurgery is the ground plate. With electrosurgery, it is possible to shock or burn the patient. Radiowave surgery does not employ a ground plate but rather an antenna that gathers the radiowaves and channels them back to the machine. The antenna, which does not need to be in direct contact with the patient, is Teflon coated so it cannot shock or burn the patient.

Reference. Dr. Niamtu (2007). Aesthetic Dermatology News.


A no-scar technique for lesion removal that’s far superior to traditional excision methods now at Renu Skin Clinic in Dundee. In the past, the only way to remove them was by surgery – cutting the skin. However, moles, warts and other skin lesions can now be removed easily with minimal risk of scarring, using a  method known as radio wave surgery.

Mole removal is a very common procedure in my clinic and using the Ellman radiowave technology and has produced virtually scarless results however there is no guarantee of the reduction  of a postoperative scar. Repeated treatments may be required as it is better to retreat than to remove too much.

 7-10 days after the scab is formed, there is a fresh healthy layer of new skin which over time blends into the normal skin color. We can only remove moles that are benign and raised and have been checked under dermatoscope. Any suspicious lesions are immediately referred onto your own GP or we can refer you to a private Dermatologist. We use tele-dermatology method to send pictures to your GP. 


What are the benefits of radiowavesurgery?

  • Faster healing
  • Minimal scarring
  • No bleeding
  • Reduces post-operative conditions such as trauma, pain, swelling and infection
  • Most effective mole lesions removal are made
  • No pressure required to make an incision – ie it can be more precise. NO cutting into the skin.
  • Blood coagulation whilst removing
  • Bacteria free
  • Less scarring produced is less than scalpel incisions as there is no cutting
  • Safer than using scalpels
  • Superior healing, less swelling, bleeding, pain, and infection afterward  compared  to scalpel incisions
  • Can be used to shave back skin lesions so no stitches are required, and no scars are leftSuperior results to scalpel incisions and better cosmetically

Many patients are interested in removing moles or skin tags, particularly if they reside on the face or visible skin areas including the neck. However, the thought of a scar can sometimes be the barrier stopping them from making that step. Renu Skin Clinic  are proud to offer a no-scar technique using the latest laser technology to remove moles and skin tags without the need for incisions or stitches.

Why choose Renu Skin Clinic for Radio Wave Surgery mole removal?


  • Latest radio wave surgery
  • No incision, no stitches, no cutting the skin
  • Minimal discomfort
  • Multiple moles can be removed
  • No time off work required
  • Walk in, walk out

Pre procedure

The areas are marked with a surgical pen and then the administration of lidocaine 2% infiltrated subcutaneously around the base of lesion for complete numbness. An antenna device will be placed close to the area we work on to avoid any shock or burn.

After the procedures, lesions are covered with a triple antibiotic ointment. The lesion will undergo re-epitheliali- zation over the next seven days. By 30 days, the lesion is often indistinguish able from surrounding skin.


Dermascope Spot Check

Prior to each removal your mole/s , lesions will be checked on a detailed basis using a tool called a dermascope, which enlarges the view of the mole so that our Nurse  can take a good look at its features. Dermoscopy is a technique used at Renu Skin Clinic  along with a very  detailed medical history which will allow us to achieve a better diagnosis.  We also  make a referral to a dermatologist or GP if we suspect a suspicious lesion. We use a dermatology scoring tool to assess. 

During your medical consultation our Nurse  will take a detailed medical history that looks at  your risk factors such as family history, medication and any previous exposure to UVA and UVB sun exposure.






01382 223249


Skin Tag Removal

Here at RENU SKIN CLINIC  we offer a full DERMATOLOGY consultation to assess the skin tags and give a correct diagnosis. We will then recommend the correct method of removal. The use of Dermoscopy will be used to determine the lesion/s.

Skin tags can be unsightly and they can often bleed when they get caught on clothing or jewellery. They may also be affected by shaving.

Depending on the size and area where the skin tags are present will allow us the best treatment method. We use a method called Radiowave surgery by Ellman.   Skin tags close to the eye surface/on the lids cannot be removed with cryosurgery but only Ellman radio wave surgery for safety.

All skin tag removal procedures. 

  • Initial consultation with our Nurse. This is carried out in the clinic costing £135 at the time of booking. 
  • The procedure including local anaesthetic injected into the skin on all lesions and post procedure care and wound dressings.
  •  From £125. Each additional tag £10



Skin Tag Removal with Radiowave Surgery

Price estimate on
1.The type of lesion
2. Where the lesion is situated





01382 223249

What causes cutaneous viral warts?

Warts are due to infection by the human papillomavirus (HPV), a double-stranded DNA virus. There are more than 150 known HPV types, only some of which infect the skin, giving rise to a variety of clinical presentations. Infection begins in the basal layer of the epidermis, causing proliferation of the keratinocytes (skin cells) and hyperkeratosis, and production of infectious virus particles — the wart.

HPV is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact or autoinoculation; if a wart is scratched or picked, a wart may develop under the fingernail (subungual wart) or virus may be spread to another area of skin.

Radiowave Surgery

In the past, the only way to remove them was by surgery – cutting the skin. However, moles, warts and other skin lesions can now be removed easily with minimal risk of scarring, using a revolutionary method known as radiosurgery.

Radiowave Surgery  works on the principle of using tissue as resistance against high-frequency radio waves delivered at low temperatures.

When a high-frequency wave passes through, the tissue resists its passage, thereby creating heat. This heat increases the inner pressure within the mass of tissue by taking the intracellular water to way above boiling point. The increased pressure makes cell walls break, creating the cutting effect.

As the water in the intracellular tissue vaporises, the heat spreads, coagulating tissue proteins, which in turn brings about haemostasis or stoppage of blood flow, without actually having to burn the tissue as is generally required during such surgery.

A variety of electrodes are used depending on the type of lesion, e.g. fine needle, wire loop or scalpel blade, among others. We will then use freeze post removal as the last part of the treatment. 


Filiform warts

A filiform wart is a cluster of fine fronds emerging from a narrow pedicle base usually found on the face. They are also described as digitate (finger-like).

How is a cutaneous viral wart diagnosed?

Cutaneous viral warts are usually diagnosed clinically. Clinical clues to diagnosis can include:

  • Pinpoint red or black dots (papillary capillaries) are revealed when the wart is pared down. Patent capillaries cause pinpoint bleeding. Plantar corns lack the papillary capillaries.
  • Location of a plantar wart is not restricted to pressure sites whereas a plantar callus or corn is always at a pressure site.
  • Tenderness is maximal with lateral pressure for a plantar wart whereas a corn or callus is more tender with direct pressure.

We use Dermoscopy to assist visualisation of the papillary capillaries of a viral wart, and can distinguish other verrucous lesions such as a seborrhoeickeratosis.


Thermavein ( repeat sessions required 4 weeks apart ). Usually approx 3 sessions for complete removal . Each patient varies. £125 per session.

Complete excision using Ellman radio wave surgery £400

Contact Us

01382 223249

What is Milia Removal?

MILIA are small white or yellowish raised cysts, bumps or spots that appear on the face and body. They are most commonly found around the eye area and cheeks, but they can appear anywhere on the face or body. Unlike a pimple or spot, milia feel quite hard, almost like a small piece of grit under the skin, and do not have any redness or inflammation as you might expect with acne or whiteheads. They can also appear in clusters.

What causes milia?

They  are caused by the build-up of keratin (a naturally occurring protein) beneath the surface of the skin. They are not harmful or contagious but they can look unsightly and removal is often the only way to get rid of them.



We can remove milia in several ways. The most successful way we find to remove milia is by using our Thermavein treatment which uses a small heated needle that delivers a current straight into the milia and then this is extracted out.

We also offer treatments such as enzymatic peels to soften the milia and then extraction. Several sessions are required.



Your consultation will be with our Nurse who has a special interest in Dermatology and has a PGd in Clinical Dermatology. Our Nurse will properly diagnose the Milia and advise the best treatment method.


Straight after your treatment there may be redness, swelling and inflammation. You may also have some post inflammatory pigmentation from the extractions which are temporary. Some people also have some slight redness for several days post procedure. If the milia is close to the eye are and we use Thermavein selling may occur.


Costs using Thermavein

From £125

Contact Us

01382 223249


Fibrous papules are benign and most commonly arise on the nose. The cause is unknown. They usually manifest as firm papules on the nasal alae . In most cases, they are solitary, but sometimes more than one papule is present. Occasionally, fibrous papules appear on the cheeks, chin, neck, and, rarely, lip or forehead. The papules are usually dome-shaped, firm, flesh to pink to red in color, shiny, and 1 to 6 mm in diameter. Rarely, fibrous papules are sessile, polypoid, verrucous, or papillomatous.


Price  £400 per lesion

£50 per lesion extra

Maximum of 5 in one session


01382 223249

A cherry angioma is a small papular angioma. It is a true capillary haemangioma. Cherry angioma has many synonyms, the most commonly used being Campbell de Morgan spots.

Cherry angiomas are small, pinhead-like lesions that appear most commonly on your torso, arms and legs of your body. Cherry angiomas are:

  • Round.
  • About 2 millimeters (mm) to 4 mm in size.
  • Light to dark red.

The term “cherry” references their color and appearance on the skin, as angiomas typically form in groups.

Therma vein  £125 per session up to 5

Therma vein £150 per session up to 10

Therma vein £175 per session up to 15

Our Other Services

Mole Removal

Skin Tag Removal

Wart Removal

Wart Removal

Seb Keratosis

Want to schedule an appointment?

Call us on 01382 223249