Male Pattern Baldness

Male pattern baldness is  common ( 85%) of men will havee some sort of hair loss in their lifetime. We all lose hair throughout the day and up to 100 strands a day at times. The hair  falls out, then grows back in again, and the cycle starts all over again. But eventually, most guys will start to notice that they’re losing more than before — and it’s not growing back.

We can all blame our parents for male pattern baldness as mostly its from our genes however sometimes it can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of the ageing process. ]

Medications and supplements. Hair loss can be a side effect of certain drugs, such as those used for cancer, arthritis, depression, heart problems, gout and high blood pressure.

A very stressful event. Many people experience a general thinning of hair several months after a physical or emotional shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.

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Gradual thinning on top of head. The most common type of hair loss which affects men as they age. The hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead. 

Circular or patchy bald spots. Some men will lose the hair in a circular or patchy bald spot on the scalp and we call this male pattern baldness. 

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PRP injections can be effective in treating male pattern baldness, both in preventing hair loss and promoting new hair growth. PRP can also aid in the stimulation of hair growth after hair transplants.

LED Red Light Therapy for Hair Loss has also been shown to be effective and is a noninvasive anti-aging approach that works by emitting energy-producing packets of light deep into the scalp skin’s layers. The light creates ATP (cellular energy), which strengthens both the cells and the surrounding area creating a perfect scenario for hair growth.

Biotin hair growth is a B-complex vitamin, also known as B7 or Vitamin H and is necessary for the cell growth and the production of fatty acids in living organisms. It is especially useful in the growth of hair and nails. Our course of Biotin injections either as a stand alone treatment or combined with PRP will help with your hair thinning concerns. 


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Each PRP session will take approx 45 min and the procedure is to take some blood from your arm. This is then centrifuged to allow the plasma to be extracted. This is then injected into the areas of baldness. The area is pre numbed with a local anaesthetic prior to the treatment for comfort.

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We suggest a course of 3 PRP as a minimum. This will be repeated every 4 weeks and we suggest a course of 3 minimum.

Using the LED dermalux several times per week has been shown to be effective and we suggest a course of 6 minimum with ongoing sessions monthly. 

A protocol of 12 weekly Biotin IM injections for 12 weeks then a break for 2 weeks then a further 12 weeks has been shown to be effective. 

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There is no downtime other than the area of the scalp will be a little red post procedure. You will have to refrain from washing the hair for 48 hours and you must refrain from using any styling products to the area. 

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Each session of PRP costs £250 which will give you approx 20 mls of PRP.

A course of 3 costs £700

Combination Package- Best treatment package.

3 x PRP sessions

6 x Dermalux red light

Course of 12 Biotin Injections 

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